Problems You May Encounter With Your Ducted Air Conditioning System

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Heidi's HVAC Help, Ideas, Troubleshooting Tips and More

Hello, I am Heidi, and this is my blog devoted to HVAC issues, repair, troubleshooting, maintenance tips and more. Before you dive into my posts, let me introduce myself. I am a mum of three kids and married to an amazing husband. I used to work in the HVAC industry, but now I spend most of my time working as an editor from my house. I needed something that offered the flexibility of staying at home with my little ones, but I miss the hands-on nature of HVAC work. In this blog, I plan to post on a variety of HVAC related topics. If you have questions or concerns, I hope these posts help you.

Problems You May Encounter With Your Ducted Air Conditioning System

10 December 2015
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a ducted air conditioning system, chances are you do not give a second thought to its functioning until a problem crops up. It should be noted, though, that major air-conditioning problems typically do not start off so severe. Typically, improper maintenance and ignoring the signs are what aggravate the problem. This is especially true during the summer months when you air conditioning system is working harder to keep your residence comfortable. In the event that you start experiencing problems with your ducted air conditioning system, it is pertinent to enlist the services of a professional rather than trying to tinker with the unit on your own. Here are some of the problems that you could encounter with your air conditioning unit.

The air conditioning unit's internal coil is frozen.

There are a number of reasons that would cause the internal coil to freeze. The most common is if there are obstructions with the airflow. These could be in the form of blockages right in the ductwork of the air conditioning system, which could be avoided if proper maintenance measures are carried out. Duct cleaning would prevent this from occurring, which is why it is recommended to enlist professional services for regular cleaning. The internal coil could also freeze if you have not kept your air filters clean, hence causing clogging. Another reason that the internal coil may freeze is if the refrigerant in your unit is low. To prevent having the internal coil replaced, it is best to engage the service of professional contractor to establish the cause and remedy it post haste.

The air conditioning's external fan is not working.

The air conditioning unit's external fan works toward eliminating heat from the interior of your residence and redirecting it outdoors. When the fan is not in proper working condition, you will find that heat is not being transferred efficiently, hence affecting the overall temperature of your home. Other problems that can crop up if this is left unabated is the functioning of the air conditioning unit's compressor. Inefficient heat transfer could lead to the compressor becoming overheated. This poses a high risk of damage to the internal components of your ducted air conditioning unit. Inspect the outdoor unit to ensure there are no obstructions to the external fan. If this is not the case, then you should contact professional contractor to diagnose what is impeding the function of the unit's external fan.

For more information and tips on maintaining your ducted air conditioning, contact a local HVAC company.