How to Choose the Right Refrigeration Contractor for Your Business Needs

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Heidi's HVAC Help, Ideas, Troubleshooting Tips and More

Hello, I am Heidi, and this is my blog devoted to HVAC issues, repair, troubleshooting, maintenance tips and more. Before you dive into my posts, let me introduce myself. I am a mum of three kids and married to an amazing husband. I used to work in the HVAC industry, but now I spend most of my time working as an editor from my house. I needed something that offered the flexibility of staying at home with my little ones, but I miss the hands-on nature of HVAC work. In this blog, I plan to post on a variety of HVAC related topics. If you have questions or concerns, I hope these posts help you.

How to Choose the Right Refrigeration Contractor for Your Business Needs

26 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you own a business that requires food or goods to be refrigerated, you need to make sure that it is installed correctly and maintained so that your system performs to its highest capacity possible. Broken or badly maintained systems can not only hurt your customers, but it can also decrease the energy efficiency of your entire operation. That means less money in your pocket. If customers don't trust that you have the highest quality items, they may look elsewhere, and that means less revenue for your organization. Having a refrigeration system that is running at its maximum efficiency creates a win-win situation for everyone. A big part of having a reliable system is choosing the right contractor and the right company for your needs. Here's how to choose the contractor that's best for you.

One Point of Contact

The company you interview may say that they have a team of several contractors, but you want only one. Having a single contact will ensure that your system gets fixed and maintained by someone who knows your particular store and situation. Having someone different come in every time can slow things down and impede production because they will have to familiarize themselves with your refrigeration system, your layout, etc. 

Experience and Expertise

Finding a contractor with experience and expertise, of course, goes without saying. You want a company who has been in the business of refrigeration and HVAC systems for a few years and can back up their claims of experience. But it's not enough to just have general knowledge. You want to hire a company that has expertise in your particular type of system. Whether you have a small section in your store to hold items like produce or you have a large cooler in the back of your restaurant to keep meat cool, the company must have some experience with that.

Emergency Service

Does the company provide emergency services? If your cooler breaks down at two in the morning, will they dispatch someone right away to come and fix it? Or will you have to wait until business hours? Having to wait could mean your food gets spoiled, and that means lost revenue.

Work and Service Guarantee

Always ask about the work and service guarantee, and get everything in writing. There should be a guarantee on maintenance work as well as installation work.

Choosing the right refrigeration servicing and HVAC company will help ensure that your systems stay cool and energy efficient as long as you have them.