Common air conditioning repairs

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Heidi's HVAC Help, Ideas, Troubleshooting Tips and More

Hello, I am Heidi, and this is my blog devoted to HVAC issues, repair, troubleshooting, maintenance tips and more. Before you dive into my posts, let me introduce myself. I am a mum of three kids and married to an amazing husband. I used to work in the HVAC industry, but now I spend most of my time working as an editor from my house. I needed something that offered the flexibility of staying at home with my little ones, but I miss the hands-on nature of HVAC work. In this blog, I plan to post on a variety of HVAC related topics. If you have questions or concerns, I hope these posts help you.

Common air conditioning repairs

4 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

There are many moving parts in an air conditioner which makes it susceptible to break down. Sometimes when an air conditioner is faulty, it means that the components have experienced wear and tear and need maintenance or replacement. Some major malfunctions are associated with most types of air conditioners, including:

Compressor malfunctions

The compressor is an essential component of the cooling system, and a malfunction will lead to failure of the A/C. A malfunction in the compressor can lead to a breakdown of your A/C system. Compressors begin malfunctioning when dirt and grime accumulate. With a lot of dirt deposits, your compressor works twice as hard to expel the heat produced. This makes your A/C system run continuously to ensure the appropriate temperature. A sign that your compressor is malfunctioning is that your A/C will produce strange noises such as squealing that is not common with an A/C system. A compressor can either develop electrical issues due to its wiring or motor issues. Electrical problems should be dealt with by a certified electrician due to corrosion of the wires and terminals. Usual wear and tear are also common due to turning the A/C system on and off.

Drainage issues

An A/C works to achieve two functions: achieve the desired temperature in a home and remove extra moisture from the air inside your home. The latter process removes excess moisture and drains it outside the house via a drain line. A clogged drain line can result in the excess moisture not being appropriately emptied. A clogged drain line can also accumulate water which will back up into the A/C and damage it. The backed up drain line can also cause water damage on your property and issues such as the growth of mould. In addition, increased condensation will lead to an upsurge of indoor humidity that could affect the performance of your A/C system. Air conditioners may fail to drain moisture adequately if not correctly mounted.

Uneven cooling

You may notice that the rooms in your house have different temperatures. This is an indication that your A/C is not working properly. This could be because of blocked ventilation, poor insulation or clogged filters. Dirty vents are also another cause of obstruction as well as any furniture that may be blocking A/C vents. It could also be because some rooms have the ability to absorb more heat than others due to the position of the sun.

Contact a professional HVAC technician for your air conditioning repair needs.